Avatars (by Mariesen)2011.08.02. 15:50, goldenrolling483
Avatars (by Nutty)2011.08.02. 15:49, goldenrolling483
Gustav dobja elkelt!2011.08.02. 15:46, goldenrolling483
Egy lelkes adományozó 354.20 dollárt adott Gustav dobjáért. Ezzel az összeggel zárult az aukció, melynek bevételét a Japán Vöröskereszt számlájára ajánlják fel.
Someone gave (US) $354.20 for Gustav's drum on the auction of J-Grab.com. It's the final bid, the money will be donated to the Japanese Red Cross.
Paris - hotel (20.06.2008)2011.08.02. 15:41, goldenrolling483
Tom... =)2011.08.02. 15:38, goldenrolling483
A Tokio Hotel 2005 óta rengeteget változott. Mind stílusilag, mind zeneileg és persze kinézetre is. Egyvalami viszont úgy néz ki, változatlan maradt: Tom Kaulitz még mindig nem tud enni =D
OK! #235/2011 - (Croatia)2011.08.02. 00:50, goldenrolling483
Bill and Tom: Macho hotties
We stopped for a moment too! But, yes, these are really Bill and Tom, the twins of the super popular German band Tokio Hotel!
Some nose piercings, huge tattoos, three-day beards and completely different stylings... The Kaulitz brothers are definitely no longer cute little boys: the guys are all grown up and they chose a new macho image! They were obviously fed up with tons of gossips about them looking feminine, as though they were girls - that's how many people used to make comments on their affinity for intensive make-up and black nail polish. But it looks like the sissy look is definitely a thing of the past. Apart from looking masculine, the boys are seriously working. The fans are impatiently waiting for their new materials, so Tom and Bill dedicated themselves to recording, moved to Los Angeles and they are working hard on their new songs. They don't have much time left, since the album publishing is announced for spring next year!
Getting allowence in Russia!
The boys are spending time in their studio from dawn to dusk, and you can't really see them performing these days. But some offers can't be refused: they were recently invited to hold a concert for their numerous fans in Moscow, and they gladly answered that call. And why wouldn't they, if they got, as it's told around, a real small fortune for that performance! And who can blame them, in these times of crisis, every additional allowence is very welcome...
The small picture - TH in Moscow: "Guys, you really have cool cameras!"
The big picture - "We have become serious guys!"
Scans and translation by Twilight Rose @ TokioHotelSerbia.com.
HQ's2011.08.02. 00:46, goldenrolling483
Rockbjörnen Awards 20112011.08.01. 17:48, goldenrolling483
Rockbjörnen Awards 2011 will be held on August 31st in Stockholm, Sweden and Tokio Hotel are nominated in the category "Årets Utländska låt" (="Foreign Song of the Year") with their song "Hurricanes and Suns". To vote you've to click on "Tokio Hotel - Hurricanes and Suns", then the "Nästa"-button and after that you've to fill some info about youself:
Namn = Name
E-post = Email
Mobil = Cellphone
(no need to type in your cellphone number)
Ålder = Age
Kön = Sex (Kvinna = Female, Man = Male)
Kontrollfråga: "Vad blir 3 + 3?" = Control question: "What's 3+3?" (just type in a simple 6 as answer)
...then click the "Rösta"-button which means "Vote"!
VOTE HERE: http://www.aftonbladet.se/nojesbladet/musik/rockbjornen2011/article7198677.ab
Don't click the "Ja tack, jag tar gärna emot erbjudanden från Aftonbladet och dess samarbetspartners"-button (meaning, it should NOT be an "x" in that square unless you of course want offers from Aftonbladet and their partners ).
A Rockbjörnen Awards-ot augusztus 31-én rendezik meg Svédországban, a Tokio Hotelt pedig az év külföldi dala kategóriában jelölték, a Hurricanes and Sund című számukkal. A fönti angol szövegben látod, hogyan kell kitölteni a szavazómezőt =) Amikor elkészültél, nyomd meg a "Rösta" gombot. Ez jelenti a szavazást.
SZAVAZZ ITT: http://www.aftonbladet.se/nojesbladet/musik/rockbjornen2011/article7198677.ab
Viszont ne kattints a "Ja tack, jag tar gärna emot erbjudanden från Aftonbladet och dess samarbetspartners" szövegre, különben telespammolja ajánlatokkal az e-mail fiókod.
D-You nº 07/2011 (Turkey)2011.08.01. 17:44, goldenrolling483
Big #157/2011 - (Italy)2011.08.01. 17:43, goldenrolling483