VJ: Guys, in April you were in Milan for a huge concert that now is a DVD, Humanoid City Live. What do you remember about that night?
Bill: I can remember we were really, really. Thank you. I can remember we were so nervous, um, you know, we are always very nervous, we are a very nervous band, and uh, especially when it comes to a DVD. So and the crowd was amazing this night. Definitely. So.
VJ: [inaudible] 10,000 people, but I'm sure the energy of your fans here is exactly the same, isn't it?
Bill: Sorry?
VJ: The energy of your fans is exactly the same as Milan.
Bill: Like today, yeah, it's incredible, you know. That was one of the reasons why we wanted to record our DVD in Italy, because the fans are incredible. It's really, it's really amazing.
VJ: Sziasztok srcok, hogy vagytok?
Bill: Wow!
VJ: Hogy vagytok srcok? Ez j?
Bill: Csodlatos!
VJ: Srcok, prilisban Milnban jrtatok, hogy egy hatalmas koncertet adhassatok, amely most a DVD-n szerepel, Humanoid City Live nven. Milyen emlkeitek vannak errl az jszakrl?
Bill: Mindenre emlkszem. Ksznjk. Emlkszem, mennyire idegesek voltunk, s tudod, mindig nagyon idegesek vagyunk, mert egy ilyen banda vagyunk, s fleg amikor tudtuk, ez DVD-knt fog kijnni. Szval a tmeg elkpeszt volt ezen az jszakn. Mindenkppen.
VJ: (hallhat) 10.000 ember, de biztos vagyok benne, a rajongitok energija pontosan ugyanaz, nem igaz?
Bill: Tessk?
VJ: Hogy a rajongitok energija pontosan ugyanolyan, mint Milnban.
Bill: Mint ma, igen, tudod, ez hihetetlen. Ez volt az egyik oka annak, mirt akartuk Olaszorszgban flvenni a DVD-t, mert a rajongk hihetetlenek. Ez igazn csodlatos.
VJ: Guys, uh, I use one of your last song titles for the next question. What's the world behind your wall?
Bill: You know, I think basically what we wanted to show with this song is that we are just normal people, and we have, and we make mistakes, and we have a little life, you know, apart from the cameras.
Tom: Yeah, I mean it's a really small world, it's a really small world, and basically your world is backstage. You know, we are on the road like 300 days a year, and you know most of the time we are backstage hanging around, we four together.
Bill: And that's what we wanted to show in the video, you know. You have the little scenes when you see us, you know, making fun of anything, and that's why we do Tokio Hotel TV, so that we can, you know, take our fans on a trip with us to, to get to know each other.
VJ: You are both bandmates and twins, so you share professional life and private life. Is it good or is it bad?
Bill: I can't see any, any bad things in that, because you know, I can't imagine to live without Tom.
Tom: No, it's like normal.
Bill: And we are always, we are always together, you know, for, for twenty years now, and we uh, we don't do anything apart from each other so.
VJ: You have some of the most fantastic fans in the world. What are the crazy things they did for you?
Bill: I think maybe there was, there was one girl in Los Angeles. We had a show there and we had our backstage room in the third floor and she was actually climbing up the wall like Spider Woman, I don't know how, and she was standing there after the show, right after the show. That was totally crazy, she was shaking with her camera and everything.
Tom: But I mean, but we have thousands of things. There are thousands of things. We also had naked girls at the hotel room, and I think you know that story, but I like that.
VJ: There are many ways to be fan. You can be passionate, you can be shy, you can be also intrusive, but what's the profile of a perfect fan for you?
Bill: I think a perfect fan should be like, like that, I mean, you know, just very loud, and I like you know, I like when the fans are really into the music. I like when they show their emotions, when they're screaming or crying or whatever, you know, that makes the whole thing very exciting for us, so.
VJ: Let's see how Italian fans are.
VJ: Srcok, a kvetkez krds az egyik legutbbi dalotok cme lenne. Szval, mi van a ti falatok mgtt?
Bill: Tudod, szerintem alapjraton amit meg akarunk mutatni ezzel a dallal, mindssze annyi, hogy mi is normlis emberek vagyunk, vannak s vtnk is hibkat, s megvan a mi kis letnk a kamerkon kvl.
Tom: Igen, gy rtem, ez egy igen kicsi vilg, s a te vilgod lnyegben a backstage. Tudod, legalbb 300 napot vagyunk ton egy vben, s a legtbb idt a backstageben tltjk, s egytt vagyunk ngyen.
Bill: s ez az, amit meg akartunk mutatni a videban. Lthattok rvid jeleneteket velnk, s tudjtok, szrakozni, s ez az, amirt a Tokio Hotel TV-t csinljuk, gy a rajongink velnk utazhatnak, s megismerhetik egymst.
VJ: Egypetj ikrek vagytok, gy osztoztok a szakmai leten s a magnleten. Ez j vagy rossz?
Bill: Semmilyen rossz dolgot nem ltok ebben, mert tudod, nem brom elkpzelni az letet Tom nlkl.
Tom: Nem, ez mr szoksos.
Bill: s mi mindig egytt vagyunk, immr 20 ve, s semmit sem akarunk egymstl fggetlenl csinlni.
VJ: A vilg egyik legfantasztikusabb rajongi a titek. Milyen rlt dolgokat tettek mr meg rtetek?
Bill: Szerintem az volt az egyik legrltebb, amely egy lnnyal kapcsolatban trtnt Los Angelesben. Volt ott egy koncertnk, s kaptunk egy backstage szobt a harmadik emeleten, pedig flmszott a falon, de mint a Spider Woman (pkn), vagy nem tudom. s ott llt a show utn, rgtn utna. rlet volt, remegett a kezben a kamera, meg minden.
Tom: De gy gondolom, tbb ezer ilyen dolgunk van. Mr volt olyan, hogy meztelen lnyok voltak a hotelszobnkban, s szerintem ismered a sztorit, de n szeretem.
VJ: Sokflekppen lehet valaki rajong. Tudnak szenvedlyesek, szgyenlsek, s persze tolakodak lenni, de melyik rajongi tulajdonsg a tkletes szmotokra?
Bill: Szerintem a tkletes rajongnak nagyon hangosnak kell lennie, s legyenek nagyon nyitottak a zene irnt. Szeretem, amikor kimutatjk az rzseiket, amikor kiablnak vagy srnak, vagy brmi. Tudod, ez tesz mindent izgalmass szmunkra.
VJ: Guys, there was the girls you are going to meet later. What about you? Have you ever been fans of someone?
Bill: I really was, when I was really young, I was a fan of Nena. She's uh, yeah. And you know I did a lot of crazy stuff, I was standing the rain for hours just to be the first row to see her live and stuff like that, so I knew exactly the other side.
Tom: I was a big fan of Aerosmith. You know, and I always you know, bought every CD and just sit at home and listen to the music and try to play, like uh, a couple of songs of them.
VJ: So which kind of fans you were?
Bill: I was the kind of fan who was, you know, waiting um, for hours and hours and hours just to see.
VJ: So you understand them?
Bill: Yeah, I understand them. Totally.
Tom: I was more the quiet one. I was the quiet one. I was sit at home, listen to the music, try to play like them.
Bill: But you know, I never thought that people would do it for me, you know, some day. It's, it's like, it's still like a crazy feeling.
VJ: Is it true that when you were young, when you were 10 years old, you were used to a gig with not even knowing how to play an instrument?
Bill: Uh.
Tom: That's not really true. It's not really true.
Bill: But we, but we did music, but not really good, you know, it was just the beginning and we were writing songs in our rehearsal room and we wanted directly on stage and, um, it was not always a good decision, you know. But it's just part of the history, so.
VJ: Is that true in that period that all your relationships with girl broke up for music?
Bill: Yeah, you know, because music and the band was always my number one, and you know, was sometimes hard for a girl to understand that the band comes always first, so I had to make a decision, yeah.
VJ: One question: is it true that this is a new piercing?
Bill: Yeah, it's new.
VJ: It's a new one?
Bill: Yeah.
VJ: Is it painful?
Bill: It is, it is.
VJ: Really?
Bill: Definitely.
Tom: And I have also a new one there [points to crotch].
VJ: Srcok, ott vannak a lnyok, akikkel ksbb tallkozni fogtok. s hogy van ez nlatok? Voltatok valaminek a rajongi?
Bill: n nagyon, amikor fiatal voltam, Nena rajong voltam. s tudod, rengeteg rlt dolgot csinltam, rkig lltam az esben, csak hogy az els sorban lehessek, pont mint gy, szval tkletesen ismerem a msik oldalt.
Tom: n hatalmas Aerosmith rajong voltam. Tudod, minden CD-jket megvettem, s csak ltem otthon, s hallgattam a zenjket, s persze prbltam pr dalt eljtszani tlk.
VJ: Milyen rajongk voltatok?
Bill: n az a fajta rajong voltam, aki kpes volt hossz rkat vrni, csak hogy lsson valamit.
VJ: Szval megrtitek ket?
Bill: Igen, megrtem ket. Teljesen.
Tom: n inkbb a csendesebb fajta voltam. ltem otthon, hallgattam a zent, s prbltam eljtszani.
Bill: De tudod, sosem gondoltam volna, hogy az emberek ezt rtem is kpesek megtenni. Ez mg mindig egy teljesen rlt rzs.
VJ: Igaz az, hogy amikor fiatalok, 10 vesek voltatok, akkor gy adtatok koncertet, hogy nem is tudtatok hangszeren jtszani?
Bill: Uh.
Tom: Ht ez nem teljesen igaz.
Bill: De mi zenltnk, de nem igazn jl. Tudod, ez a kezdetekkor volt, s dalszvegeket rtunk a prbatermnkben s rgtn a sznpadon akartunk lenni, s ez nem bizonyult mindig j dntsnek. De ez a trtnelem egy rsze.
VJ: Igaz az, hogy ebben az idszakban minden kapcsolatotokat megszaktotttok a lnyokkal a zenrt?
Bill: Igen, tudod a zene s a banda mindig az els dolog az letemben, s nha nehz a lnynak megrtenie, hogy a zenekar jn elbb, gy dnteni kellett.
VJ: Egy krds: Igaz az, hogy ez egy j piercing?
Bill: Igen, ez j.
VJ: j?
Bill: Igen.
VJ: Fjdalmas volt?
Bill: gy van.
VJ: Tnyleg? (az rletbe kerget ez a msorvezet -_-" - szerk.)
Bill: Pontosan.
Tom: Nekem szintn van egy j itt (rmutat az gykra)
VJ: Uh, Bill, your clothes you wore during the latter show are famous as much, as much as your music. Is it true that you draw them?
Bill: I didn't for the last tour, but on this tour I worked together with Dan and Dean from DSquared2 and, um, it was actually really cool because I told them exactly what I want to have and they had great ideas to, uh, to arrange everything. And I wanted to have, you know, I was inspired by the whole record and by the, by the stage, so I wanted to, to look humanoid, you know, so um it was really fun to do this and um I really enjoyed, you know, doing clothes with them together. It was really fun.
VJ: So guys, thanks for being here, so stand up and enjoy your fans.
Tom: Thank you.
Bill: Thanks so much.
Tom: Ciao.
Bill: Thank you.
Tom: Grazie mille.
VJ: Bill a ruhid, melyeket a legutbbi show-n hordtl, hresebbek, mint a zend. Igaz az, hogy te rajzoltad meg ket?
Bill: Nem az utols turnra, de ebben az idszakban dolgoztam egytt Dan s Dean-nal a DSquared2-bl, s ez igazbl nagyon cool volt, mert pontosan elmondtam nekik, mit akarok, s nekik nagyszer tleteik voltak, s gondoskodtak mindenrl. Ezt az egsz lemez ihlette, s a sznpadon is a Humanoid hatst szerettk volna elrni. Nagyon szrakoztat volt ezt csinlni, s igazn lveztem a ruhaksztst velk egytt. Nagyon mks volt.
VJ: Szval srcok ksznm, hogy itt voltatok, teht most lljatok fel s lvezztek a rajongitokat!
Tom: Ksznm
Bill: Ksznjk szpen
Tom: Ciao
Bill: Ksznm
Tom: Grazie millie
"In 2009, Tokio Hotel realease their third album in two editions: the Humanoid songs were recorded in two languages, english and german."
Now vote for Tokio Hotel as Best International Artist on MTV Brasil!
"2009-ben a Tokio Hotel megjelentette a harmadik lemezt 2 kiadsban: A Humanoid dalok 2 nyelven voltak flvve, angolul s nmetl."
Most szavazz a Tokio Hotelre a "Best International Artist" kategriban, az MTV Brasil-on!